Pumping Station Refurbishment

Jul 26, 2019

Water and wastewater treatment has been one of the major industrial focus points for MAT Ltd in the UK.

Our expertise is delivering project solutions covering many of the processes applied by Utility companies and we ensure that even a single process unit is not taken in isolation.

We undertake detailed and outline design of the systems, including specification and sourcing of electrical, control and instrumentation.

Case Study: Cookley Boreholes

One of the network borehole pumping stations of our Client was installed with the original high lift pumps and the hydraulics of the site prevented sufficient drawdown of the reservoir to meet the system demand. The control system was in need of replacement and the pumps were to be replaced with high efficiency drives so the Client flagged this site as a complete refurbishment, but utilising the existing building and reservoir.

We were tasked with defining the controls, instrumentation and electrical installation, functionality, revised building and site layouts and to provide calculations to support the pump selection because of the sensitive balance of levels for the pump suction.

We developed the process flow and P&I diagrams to agree the basis of the design and then could develop the detailed information required to construct the refurbishment. Combining historical data from existing Client documentation and our own detailed site survey, we were able to model the process plant for the whole site and use that as the basis for a revised site layout, including hydraulic reference levels and gravity discharge monitoring.

All of the electrical and mechanical works were specified and cross-referenced within a comprehensive package of drawings and documents signed-off by the Client on completion and used for enquiry, procurement and construction.