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Manufacturing Support Service

You know that your business could do better but most things work OK, but you know you’re missing opportunities.

Our Manufacturing Support Service could be just what you’re after…

What’s your pain?

You know that your business could do better, but:

• Problems don’t seem “important enough” to warrant bringing a specialist in.
• There’s not enough time to deal with both trivial and important matters.
• You don’t have the right skills so you need people to work outside of their expertise.
• You don’t know what you need to know.
• There are missed opportunities.

Most things work OK, but you need help to fill the gaps.

Engineering Solutions with MATL - Production Improvement Service. Engineers collaborating

Why we get it

In every business – small through to large – leaders and managers benefit from having the advice, opinion and support from others to help them take realistic decisions and to be able to share the burden. Sometimes there are people within the business who have knowledge and experience that they’re able to share, but frequently…

You’re the most experienced person there, and you don’t feel that’s enough.
• Everyone’s got their own job to do and aren’t willing to take time out to help you.
• You have no-one you can sound out ideas with – both realistic and potentially crazy
• You don’t have the time, the people or the knowledge to help move it forward

What if…

Your biggest current problem can be resolved?

Often a problem has multiple causes, otherwise you’d have resolved it already.

Having someone both independent, but focused only on what you need, not imposing what someone wants to sell you, shares the load and brings in unbiased information, whatever the issue.

Client or customer complaints can be reduced, avoided or eliminated?

An independent examination finds what is actually happening, rather than what should be happening, and can track multiple causes of a problem, without implying any criticism.

Invoking independence also signals to clients that you take them seriously.

Information you need is available at the right time?

You no longer need to be a detailed expert in everything to be able to select a specialist.

Information becomes structured and accessible, and you can make objective decisions more easily.

You can get a better return on your equipment?

Your equipment may not be optimised, it may have unused but beneficial features, it may be under-utilised or its life could be extended.

Capital investment may not be necessary after all.

Your workforce can gain more time?

Reduced downtime dealing with faults is more time for productivity and allowing them to find ways to innovate.

Your operating costs are reduced?

Less rework, fewer quality failures, less material waste, less overtime and improved production all add to your profitability.

You can develop new products?

Independence from business, industry and sector enables us to see alternative applications and purposes for your products that often trigger innovation.

You can have honest conversations with someone independent?

We are less constrained by industry or corporate norms and are prepared to challenge the status quo without fear or favour.

You had a trusted, ‘critical friend’?

Some ideas and plans need to be sanity-checked in a safe space, where vulnerability and imperfection is allowed. We don’t share information outside, nor do we judge.

Someone is generating new ideas for your business?

The status quo is frequently a constraint to innovation.

By challenging it using the backdrop of a much wider experience unlocks the potential and leads to new ideas.

How we help you

What if we could apply our expertise to enable you to free up your time, them to apply their skills, while we make your plans happen?

If you’re finding yourself saying “I wish that…” then that’s a sign that you need fresh, unbiased, expert and professional conversations to help you find that right solution.

We specialise in digging deep into your processes and enhancing engagement with your already-skilled people, in order to get to the root of a problem or the foundations of your new plans, so we can bring them to life, but in your image.

You already have expertise and equipment in your own team to reach out for your goals.

We will tailor a package of support that can include remote (telephone/video) support for advice, regular audits to help identify areas of concern that might need attention, technical resource to help you through a resource squeeze such as a new short-term project, mentoring for senior and junior leaders.

Want to know more? Take a look at our case studies or if you have a project in mind and want to get a better idea of how we can help you, contact us here

Engineering Solutions with MATL - Manufacturing Support Service. Engineers collaborating

What our clients say about us

“Peter consistently demonstrates a solid work ethic and a dedication to success”

Jamie W., EPC Account Manager,
Instrument manufacturer

“When you first meet Peter it becomes quickly apparent that he really does have a great deal of knowledge and experience in his chosen fields.”

Peter R., Director,
Business services company

“Peter identified a need for an effective training initiative and has liaised with more experienced members of staff and identified the format for communicated this plan.”

James E., Business Manager,
Training and skills provider

“Peter is highly skilled and a very worthwhile person to know and engage.”

Peter R., Director,
Business services company

“These strategies have undoubtably made a massive improvement.”

James E., Business Manager,
Training and skills provider

“I can attest to Peters's analytical skills and depth of detail planning and thinking plus always done with a sense of urgency and I feel importantly, a sense of humour - always necessary when the chips are down! ”

Peter R., Director,
Business services company

Our Manufacturing Support Service Case Studies

Explaining what we do is challenging because our work is so varied. Take a look at our Case Studies to see how we’ve helped clients in the past

Simpler solutions for manufacturing problems, see how we can help